Pop In Your Earbuds And Open Your Heart

Get Ready To Breakthrough Your Biggest Body Blocks

Unleash The Power Of The Heart-Mind Connection For Lasting Weight Loss Success

Embark on a journey of inner transformation, as we share how to activate the heart and mind and reignite your passion and purpose. Listen candid discussions on self-love, self-confidence, overcoming limiting beliefs, mindset mastery and their impact on lasting weight loss success
Get the Heart - Mind Connection Blueprint for a more vital and fulfilled life.


Sassy Women 40+ Rocking weight loss Success


These Interviews Are Going To Transform Your Body And Your Life!


Andrea Blackwood-Harriott, PhD.: Healthy Lifestyle Strategist and Coach

The Resilient Mind: Overcoming Mental Barriers to Weight Loss Success

Curious about how some women remain steadfast in pursuit of their weight loss goals, while others keep stopping and starting and experience more reversals than forward momentum?

Discover three steps to develop Resilience, a power of the Heart-Mind connection that gives you the capacity to reframe limiting beliefs and habits around your weight struggles so that you get better not bitter with each step along the journey, no matter what the short-term result

Heloise Haupt: Self-love, Pleasure And Intimacy Coach

How To Boost Your Self-Confidence For Mind-Blowing Pleasure!

Do you struggle to prioritize yourself your pleasure, and your sexuality?

Do you have things about your body that you dislike because it does not conform to notions of what it should be or look like?

Heloise shares why it is so much easier to transform our bodies when we come from a place of radical self-love and acceptance. Discover her four step mirror work process to fall in love with your body and appreciate its unique and amazing qualities.

Heloise's Free Resource:
Are you ready to Come First™?

Michelle Leblanc: Founder Of Align-heal-thrive Academy

Mindset Reboot: Shedding the Weight of Subconscious Blocks

Have you been doing everything right to lose weight, but keep hitting invisible blocks that you can’t comprehend or change?

Michelle shares the importance of mindset, simplifies how the subconscious mind works and discusses how to align to what you want and heal what needs to be healed, so you can thrive in in the life you're in right now. She provides a powerful tool you can use immediately to clear subconscious blocks and limiting beliefs

Liza Lomax: Holistic Success Expert

Cultivating Self-Love And Empowering Confidence For Personal Transformation?

Did you know your gut could be the key to both your physical and mental well-being? When you understand how to harness and work with your bacteria rather than against them weight management and mental well-being become more simple and easy.

Learn about dietary and lifestyle factors can support a healthy gut and, in turn, promote better mental health.

Liza's Free Resource: 
The No BS Guide To Loving Yourself

Kristen Owens: Mind-body-spirit Wellness Practitioner

Mindset Makeover: Empowering Women for Lasting Weight Loss Transformation

Is your mental disposition positive or negative when faced with desire or necessity to lose weight? The existing neurological pathways in our brain are set to keep us doing what we've always done. But you can change it with a simple 4 step process (STEM) that will allow you in the moment to take back your power to make choices that are good for your health.

Let Kristen guide you effortlessly through this process.

Kristen's Free Resource: 
Whole Health Affirmation

Olya Piccirillo: Bioenergetics & Holistic Wellness Coach

Heal Your Past To Make Your Body Thrive

What secrets may the energy of your body be holding that need to be released so the you can be you best self

Olya shares how trauma can negatively impact how we see ourselves… our body and our weight.

Many physical challenges are deeply rooted in earlier unhealed traumas. healing past traumas can foster this self-acceptance, self-love, and a better relationship with your body and with food

Melissa Range: Find Your Fire And Money Breakthrough Coach

From Frozen to Fired UP

What are you stuffing down, what are you afraid of going after?

Whatever it is, it's not going to go away, and your heart is going to keep calling you to do it. Melissa shares how to overcome the three (3) biggest blocks that keep women from after what they want and to look at their body as the vehicle through which they go after they want and be who they want to be.

Listen to her formula to move from frozen to fired up

Cherie Tripp: Brain Trainer And Holistic Health Coach

Mastering the Mind For Weight Loss Success

Have you ever noticed a corelation between how you are thinking and the way your body feels?

In this conversation Cherie simplifies how your brain actually works to install limiting or disempowering habits and show you how to catch yourself in any of the 8 predictable Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTS) that are likely show up in your weight loss journey. She provides a valuable 4 question framework you can use to intercept these negative thoughts before they spiral out of control and make you fat and sick.

Jennifer Zundel: Calling In The One (Relationship Coach)

Living Self-Love In All Your Relationships

Are you struggling in your relationships, constantly looking to other people, to validate and accept you?

Jennifer shares how radical self-love can transform your journey to becoming your best self and how to get grounded in your own self-worth, know you are deeply worthy of love, and do not need someone else to approve of you, before you get into a relationship.

Discover what it means and what would it take to live daily from a place of self-Love

Jennifer's Free Resource: 
Manifest Your Soulmate Meditation


Join us for a summit experience that totally defies the norm!

We promise this isn't:

A "glue-your-eyes-to-the-screen-watching-videos-till-you-go-cross-eyed" kind of event. In fact, there are ZERO videos. Just pop in your earbuds, and you're all set!
One of those summits jam-packed with extra events or wild schedules that'll make you question if you've got the time for all that jazz.
A promo-heavy, "empty-your-pockets-and-buy-my-stuff" sales fest masquerading as a learning event. We're here for the knowledge, folks!
A ticking time bomb, where you lose access after 48 hours unless you snag that VIP upgrade. We're all about inclusivity here!


What's a Micro Audio Summit?

... an audio-only, interview-style event that you can "binge-listen" to just like a podcast. (Listen in your car, walking the dog, on your spin bike, etc.)

... a handful of highly-curated expert speakers sharing their specific strategy and tactics on how to improve your gut health, vitality and weight loss success. You won't have "information overload" so you're more likely to actually take action and implement on what you learn.

... You don't have to buy anything! There's no VIP Pass upsell. As long as you register (for free) during the registration window, you'll keep you access to the interviews so you can go back to them over and over.

Your Host: Andrea Blackwood Harriott

Hey I am Andrea,

Your trusted mentor and coach for lasting weight loss success. I have been working in wellness and weight loss for twenty seven (27) years. 

What stops most persons from having lasting weight loss success are the subtle ways in which they are conditioned away from health sustaining habits

I was overweight the early age of 11 and with time and research learn to to get to the root of my problems and live a healthier more vital life, without the weight coming back

As an advocate for sustainable weight I created the Lasting Weight Loss Summit Series, and the RESET System - 5 step lasting weight loss protocol to give you more tools and options to regain your health, vitality and confidence.
Enjoy the Micro Audio Summit.

Join us!
From Inner Critic to Inner Coach:
Transforming Your Weight-Loss Self-Talk
When: March 21, 2024
Time: 7.00 pm EST/4.00 pm PST

Unmask your inner critic and learn simple strategies to reframe and rewire negative self -talk and dissolve subconscious blocks and unspoken contracts around self-care, confidence and self-esteem.

© 2024 Andrea Blackwood Harriott

Book your 2 hour session

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